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Orewa Beach

Preparing for a Small Group or a General Meeting Presentation?

For instructions on how to save an online image click here.

To  copy photos etc to a USB stick (aka a memory stick)  for presentations click here

Note the above notes were contributed by Maureen and Jenny (2024) and may not apply to your device.

For full up-to-date details of all our groups see our newsletter

For our Small Film Group page click here.


Three Month Literature Course :  The Short Story (New)

This group will run every fortnight from May to July allowing us to discuss seven short stories by the Russian greats including Chekhov, Turgenev, Tolstoy and Gogol. We will be guided by A Swim in a Pond in the Rain, a popular book by US novelist George Saunders. The seven essays in this book are intended for anyone interested in how fiction works and why it's more relevant than ever in these turbulent times.  Members of the group will not have to read the book, just one short story every two weeks. The  stories are not hard to read and are nothing short of inspiring. Time and place: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in the back of the Whangaparaoa library, 9am to 11am from May 1.  If this interests you, email Maureen at, or
phone Peter Gillmore on 021 0200 0494 

As of March 2024

Ancient History
As its name suggests, this group studies ancient civilizations and meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 10.00 am. Venue: The Peninsula Club (call convener for directions). Convener: Ayad Hussona
Art Appreciation
This is held in the Pohutukawa Room of Whangaparaoa Library at 2.00 pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. A lively group appreciating art of all kinds as well as taking the occasional trip to an art gallery. Convener: Trish Litherland
Art of Photography
This is a new group of enthusiastic “photograph takers”. We are not professional – we just enjoy recording what we see and are hoping to improve our skills. We share our photos with other group members who then offer constructive suggestions re composition and light quality. Professional help may be available at times.
As we progress, we hope to organise field trips to a variety of places.
We are currently meeting in private homes until we are able to secure a permanent booking in the Whangaparaoa Library. 10 am, 2nd Wednesday of the month. Convener: Jeannetta Dearsley
Book Club
We each read the same two selected books every month and then we have good discussions about them. Some of us like the book and others don’t – makes for a lively and interesting morning. Meeting on the second Thursday of the month at 10.00 am. Venue: in our own homes, taking turns to host. Convener: Sheila Hussona
Book Review
There are no set books to read. Instead, members review the book or books they have read during the month. Members of the group find this personal introduction of the book very helpful when choosing their next reading. If a member owns the book they are reviewing, it is often lent out around the group. We meet at 10 am on the first Friday of the month in each other’s homes taking turns to host. If the group grows to more than 8, we can find a bigger venue, probably in the Peninsula Club. Convenor: Cheril Clarke
Cards and Games
This is a cheerful, fun-loving group where we exercise our brains at the same time. We are happy to teach you any games that are new to you. New members welcome. Meetings on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 1.30. Venue: Pohutakawa Room, Whangaparaoa Library. Convener: Cherry Davies
Ad hoc depending on what is showing locally. We now work with Hoyts Senior Mornings usually on a Tuesday at 10am for free coffee and morning tastes. If you are a Hoyts member the charge is only $8 00, if not it is $8.50. We are supporting this kind venture. Any members who wish to be notified of the cinema mornings, contact Trish, Convener: Trish Litherland
The Discussion Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon at the AV /Meeting room downstairs at Hibiscus Coast Retirement Village, Red Beach. For the first hour we usually discuss a set topic, based on a current issue from New Zealand or world-wide. After a coffee break at 11.00, the latter period is devoted to topics or issues that are brought up by individual members. Conveners: Bob & Jenny Kelly,
Eco Volunteers Group
We are a new group which is taking shape as it goes. The present plan is to meet every first Wednesday afternoon from 12 pm to 1 pm at someone's house. Every other Wednesday from 1 pm to 2 pm, we will help Restore Hibiscus and Bays by weeding the native plants on the edge of the Orewa Estuary at Maygrove Esplanade. Access is down the walkway near 71 Maygrove Drive. Conveners: Jill Everest, David Shaw, Maureen Jansen
Film Discussion.
We discuss any films we have viewed together, plus any others deemed suitable. Meeting 10.30, last Friday of the month. New members welcome. Venue: Pohutukawa Room, Whangaparaoa Library, 10.30 am. Convener: Trish Litherland
This group is for anyone who is interested in history. We cover anything that has happened from the early centuries to recent times. We explore the lives of famous and not so famous people, important events and places with colourful histories.
Members present papers they have written or articles they have read. Pictures and videos are often added using the library’s excellent projector and screen. There is always time to talk about the presentation and to exchange views and ideas.
You are welcome to just come to listen, there is no obligation to contribute a paper.
We meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month, from 10 am to 12 pm in the Pohutukawa Room, Whangaparaoa Library. Convener: Jeannetta Dearsley
The mahjong group is for beginners with two instructors present to assist with learning. Come and join us for fun and friendship. It is held every 4th Friday of the month from 1.30pm to 4.30pm in the Pohutukawa Room, Whangaparaoa Library. All welcome. Convener: Connie Franklin
Music Appreciation
Spend two hours each month appreciating music with others, listening to and learning about many musical genres, with an emphasis on the classical repertoire. Members are encouraged to introduce their favourite pieces, musicians or instruments.
Convener: Peter Gilmore 
We are fortunate to have many interesting plays which we will be reading this year. The object of the exercise is to expose members to an appreciation and enjoyment of the playwrights’ works. We have already completed “Charley’s Aunt” by Brandon Thomas, and a melodrama by Roger Hall. Currently we are reading “Arcadia” a play by Tom Stoppard. We meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at 10am in the Pohutukawa Room, Whangaparaoa Library. Convener: Barbara Tucker
Poetry Discussion
A small group started in August 2022. We discuss a famous poet in the first half of the meeting, with members bringing poems to share with the group in the second half. We are poetry readers, not writers but anything can happen when a group of U3A people get together! We meet on the first Monday of the month from 10.30 to 12.00 pm in Pohutukawa Room, Whangaparaoa Library.
Convener: Maureen Jansen
Science Group (New)
The aims of this group are to share and learn about evidence-based science of all disciplines, from micro biology to astronomy. We shall plan topics according to members' interests.  We will meet in the Pohutukawa Room on first Thursdays from 2 till 4pm from April to September. 
Short Film Making
This group is composed of members with an interest in the art and craft of making short films. The group has, of necessity, no set time or venue for its meetings. Meeting times and locations vary. Conveners: Ian and Nancy Miller
The Whole Nine Yards (New)
Wikipedia will tell you that this saying comes from the length of the ammunition belts that the American warplanes used in the Second World War.  However there are centuries old Indian and English references to the saying. What does it mean and where does that saying come from? The thinking is that we research and discuss sayings, proverbs and idioms like A cat has nine lives; Let sleeping dogs lie; A stitch in time saves nine; Needle in a haystack; A watched pot never boils; A black sheep in every flock. The list is seemingly endless; take your pick.  These can be from Italy: 'Poets and pigs are appreciated only after their death'; Albania: 'Those that can read and write have four eyes'; or Greece: 'Eat and drink with relatives, do business with strangers.' If you are keen on being involved in such a group to research, discuss, debate, learn and have fun, phone Gavin on 021730444 or at and we will find a suitable venue to meet 
The World Today
The group’s aim is to help members gain an understanding of the background and implications of what is happening on the world stage. Members are asked to research particular aspects of a topic and then to share what they learn with other members. Meeting on the first Friday of the month from 9.45 am until 12 pm. Venue: Pohutukawa Room, Whangaparaoa Library. Co-Conveners: Jill Everest and Maureen Jansen
The travel group meets every month to discuss aspects of travel. At most meetings two members give a talk, usually accompanied by a slide presentation, on a trip they have taken. The range of amazing places people have visited makes this a very interesting group and promotes lots of questions from other members. Meeting on the second Monday of the month at 2.00 pm. Venue: Pohutukawa Room – Whangaparaoa Library. Convener: Gavin Whyte
The U3A Writers
This is an enthusiastic group with varied levels of ability. Everyone is very supportive, and a small amount of positive reinforcement and instruction is offered to those that want it.
A 500-word homework task is set for each meeting and a five-minute quick write happens as well. The writing ability of members improves and we have a lot of fun and laughs. We meet the first Friday of the month in the Peninsula Club, gathering first in the Palm Court Cafe (straight through from Reception) at 10 am. At 10.30 we move up to the Hibiscus Room. Convener: Cheril Clarke

We are always on the look-out for new study groups. So if you have any suggestions please contact us.

What about forming a Natural History Group? Such a group might look at trees, rocks, wildlife, plants etc in the area. Or a Science group? Or a University Alumini group?

You might like to create a short-term group to explore a specific topic. Such a group would automatically disband after say half-a-dozen meetings. Alternatively, you might like to create a long-term study group.