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Hibiscus Coast U3A - Orewa Beach
About Us 
Our Committee >

Some background... 

The Hibiscus Coast U3A started in 1995 and now boasts about 200 members who enjoy 20 or so study groups. Our groups meet during the day and most meetings are held in the homes of members.

Study group facilitators (Conveners) normally aim for a lightly structured, informal atmosphere designed to help all members participate.

Each study group makes its own decisions regarding the timings of meetings etc. However, most meetings last about two hours.

Some groups explore the same topic over a number of meetings. Others tend to examine a different aspect of the overall interest area at each meeting.

We are always on the look-out for new groups. So if you have any suggestions please contact us.

The Hibiscus Coast branch of the U3A holds a general meeting once every two months. These meetings provide the opportunity to hear guest speakers and to meet members of other study groups. All members and their guests are welcome to attend.

The Gallery page shows some photos of our groups. The Newsletter page shows some archived history. These will give you a feel for what we are and what we do.

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